The premium brand of cigars called Fonseca is manufactured by two separate companies. The first variety is made by the company named Habanos SA which is owned by the government of Cuba. This company has also been given the authority to market and distribute the Fonseca brand of cigars in the local and international markets. The second variety is made in the Dominican Republic by Manual Quesada who is an expert in making cigars rolled by hand.
His expertise in the rolling a cigar by hand is so great that the cigars made by him are considered by some people to be better than their Cuban counterparts. The Fonseca brand of cigars made in the Dominican Republic has a wrapper grown in Connecticut and is filled with a blend of the best quality and beautifully flavoured tobacco leaves grown in Mexico and the Dominican Republic. The ultimate product is a brand of cigars which has a well balanced smooth creamy taste, which can be highly enjoyed by the smoker.
The production of the Fonseca brand of cigars was started in 1962 and it has already made a place for itself among the existing brands of cigars in the market. The Fonseca brand of cigars is manufactured in a factory named Matasa located in Santiago, the capital of the Dominican Republic.
The bodies of this brand of cigars are mild and possess a flavour which is medium in nature. The best tobacco leaves available in the Dominican Republic are put in bales made of the bark from palm trees and are aged in an atmosphere which is controlled. When the leaves are fermented properly they are rolled with wrappers made from the shade broad leaf grown in Connecticut. If you are trying to find a cigar which has fine taste and aroma and allows you to draw the smoke smoothly, then you should try out the Fonseca brand of cigars at least once and needless to say you will be stuck with the brand forever. The Fonseca brand of cigars which was produced and sold only to the elite in Cuba, is presently produced and sold all over the world and is respected as one of the best brands ever produced.
The Vintage variety of the Fonseca brand of cigars is considered as a great variety which possesses an aroma which is a unique one. The tobacco leaves used to make this brand of cigars is aged for 5 years at a stretch. This variety is a bit costlier than the other varieties but is considered by all connoisseurs of cigars that it is worth the extra money.